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The Qrtix.Paging library provides a robust solution for managing paginated collections of items in .NET applications. Pagination is a common requirement in software development, especially for applications dealing with large datasets or implementing user interfaces that display data in manageable chunks.

This library introduces the PagedList<T> class, which extends the functionality of the base Pager class and implements the IPagedList<T> interface. This class encapsulates a paginated list of items along with essential pagination information such as total item count, current page number, and page size.

By leveraging the PagedList<T> class, developers can efficiently handle pagination logic, simplifying the process of fetching, navigating, and displaying data in a paginated manner. Whether it's rendering paginated data in web applications, API responses, or any other scenario where data needs to be chunked for better user experience or performance optimization, this library provides a versatile solution.

Key features of the Qrtix.Paging library include:

  1. Flexible Pagination: The library offers flexibility in configuring pagination parameters such as page size and current page number, enabling developers to adapt pagination to diverse use cases and application requirements.
  2. Efficient Data Retrieval: With the ability to efficiently fetch items for the current page from a data source, the PagedList<T> class optimizes data retrieval operations, ensuring optimal performance even with large datasets.
  3. Serialization Support: The library supports JSON serialization, facilitating seamless integration with web APIs and serialization frameworks. Conditional compilation ensures compatibility with different JSON serialization libraries, enhancing interoperability across various development environments.
  4. Convenient Initialization: Developers can easily create instances of the PagedList<T> class using constructors tailored for different scenarios, including initialization from a data source or based on existing pagination information.
  5. Enhanced Usability: The PagedList<T> class exposes properties and methods for retrieving pagination metadata, iterating through items in the current page, and checking for emptiness, offering enhanced usability and versatility.

In summary, the Qrtix.Paging library empowers developers to implement efficient pagination solutions in their .NET applications, streamlining the management and presentation of large datasets while maintaining flexibility and ease of use. Whether it's building scalable web applications, APIs, or data-driven interfaces, this library serves as a valuable tool for managing paginated data effectively.